Strong Tower Christian Fellowship


To be an encourager to one who needs to hear the Word of God for their life. To be a comforter to one when it all seems to be in turmoil. To be the one to plant the seed would lead someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And to be the one who walks the word, speaks the word, represents the word, and lives THE WORD!

Women's Saturday Bible Study

January 7, 2023
February 4, 2023
March 4, 2023
April 1, 2023
May 6, 2023
September 2, 2023
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Gotta Go Shopping & Retreat

Wed April 19, 2023 -Sat April 22, 2023 Adventure- Destination TBA

First Lady Lisa Holland

Women's Ministry Leader

Sis. Tasha Redmon

Teaching the word "Open Your Bible."

Sis. Tasha Redmon

Teaching "Open your Bible"

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